Bassick High School
Class of 1965
Class Memorabilia
SENIOR YEAR 1964 - 1965
Early in October 1964 we donned our class berets and pins to distinguish us as Seniors
On the evening of May 21, 1965 we were dressed to the nines in tuxedos and satin gowns as we arrived for that cherished rite of spring and budding adulthood...our Senior Prom at Stratfield Motor Inn.
June 17, 1965 was the focal point of two significant events. At school we gathered in the auditorium for Senior Class Day. We sat entranced by the stunning beauty of the Queen and her Court while we waited in eager anticipation of the reading of the "Class Will" and "Class Characteristics."
June 23, 1965 - the pièce de résistance - GRADUATION! The culmination of four years of hard work signifying the crossing the threshold to adulthood.